Steve Brossman is an expert in the neuroscience of selling, a former Olympic athlete and the author of multiple best-selling books. Recently, Paula and Steve had a candid conversation about all things client flow and business growth on Steve’s video podcast, The Entrepreneur’s Locker Room. Click the video below to watch now.
Interview Highlights:
- 01:10 The story about why we chose 33Dolphins as our new name.
- 02:13 How a growth architect supports your business, and the three main areas where most companies get growth wrong.
- 04:18 Some of the myths and misconceptions about choosing your target market, and the magic of finding your perfectly aligned community.
- 06:30 How to avoid watching your best ideas walk out the door when a star employee leaves.
- 09:10 What do spaghetti and your sales funnel have in common?
- 11:50 The process to unblock the flow of clients into your business.
- 15:00 How to find out more about the Client Flow Dambuster program.
Curious About Client Flow?
Do the opportunities and challenges Paula & Steve talk about resonate for you? Do you have questions about how to unlock a consistent flow of clients and opportunities for your business? Request a one on one Client Flow Dambuster call with Paula.